Vancouver Island Stone Sculpture Symposium 2024

Vancouver Island Stone Sculpture Symposium 2024

Vancouver Island Stone Sculpture Symposium 2024
When: September 9th to 15th 2024
Location: Cowichan Lake Education Center, Cowichan Lake, BC

A weeklong immersive and comprehensive stone sculpture carving experience at beautiful Lake Cowichan. If you have always wanted to learn how to carve stone, this is it! 

Stone Sculpture Instructors

John Fisher (marble) Carving monumental marble sculpture.

Deborah Wilson (jade) Special workshops for those interested in harder stone (Additional jade fee)

Sandy Cline (soapstone ) Great beginners’ teacher in soapstone.

Michael Binkley – Field Instructor

Anything you want to learn about stone sculpture

Daniel Cline – Symposium Director - Field Instructor

Anything else you want to learn about stone sculpture

Special GuestDominion Sculptor - John-Philippe Smith -As Canada's Parliament official stone carver, the Dominion Sculptor supervises all carving in Centre Block and the Parliamentary Precinct.

Daily Schedule – 7 days Monday 9th – Registration and Setup day – Dinner and Lodging – Evening Workshop/Demo Tuesday 10th – Full day - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and Lodging – Evening Workshop/Demo Wednesday 11th - Full day - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and Lodging – Evening Workshop/Demo Thursday 12th - Full day - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and Lodging – Evening Workshop/Demo Friday 13th - Full day - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and Lodging – Evening Workshop/Demo Saturday 14th - Full day - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and Lodging – Evening Workshop/Auction Sunday 15th – Last day – Breakfast – Continue working, pack up, goodbyes.

Total Symposium fee is $1550 CA

Early registration - deposit $550 CA with balance of $1000 CA by May 2024

Square Credit Card Link

If you would like to arrange to pay part or all by cheque or e-transfer

E transfers to: [email protected]

Cheques to:

Vancouver Island Sculptors Guild

612 Downey Road

North Saanich,BC

V8L 5M6

Attention: Paul Harder, Treasurer VISG




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